The use of ovals.


About ketchemandfleezem

I like to call tops and bottoms in the market.
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104 Responses to The use of ovals.

  1. Tom Boinger says:

    JB an oval is not a contraceptive ! have a banana !


  2. Tom Boinger says:

    maybe if I insult JB enough she will start to love me. you all know I am a moron but i have a good excuse for it. I am the one who tried to get RW blocked. So let me do some more insulting , you banana eaters have turned away more customers than RW can count , yet he gets warned with banning. he’ll probably apologize. socialization on the internet, a guy who can’t spell “two” is a genius, and JB is allowed to spew her racism filth on a stock forum. Have a banana


    • jai avi says:

      Get a grip Joel. It’s difficult to love an insulting moron who brings bananas. RW is the one to love you even if you tried to get him blocked. I’ll try….. if you give me bananas, pineapple and coconut…..a tropical delight. But old men….you…. are much too grumpy and hard to like.


  3. Tom Boinger says:

    i’m arguing with an idiot: on the chat , Hype alludes to an explosion in the ukraine, JB post “is that where the king of jordan is doing payback for the burning alive of his pilot” Jb the expert at foreign affairs can’t keep her Jordan and Ukraine straight. Yeah some expert you are, have a banana !


  4. Tom Boinger says:

    the king of jordan is bombing the ukraine, according to JB , Have them stick a lead tester on your forehead . Have a nana!


  5. Tom Boinger says:

    hey abbott, you two what a pair, the Genius posts “eastern ulraine” on the chat, then Banana too posts ” is that where the king of jordan is doing payback for the burning alive of his pilot” you two idiots should be on Seinfeld. and i’m using logic! Have a banana!


  6. jai avi says:

    Ha ha ha…wondered what it would take for you to give me bananas. Thank you. Love them.
    And thanks for giving me more of your buttons to push. This is fun! đŸ™‚ Fool.


  7. jai avi says:

    In case you haven’t figured it out, this Tom/jolox/mud/joel guy is soooooooooo easy to bait. He falls for it every time. He’s an old duffer. Maybe I shouldn’t take advantage of him by baiting and trapping the poor guy. He IS generous with bananas……LMAO


  8. Tom Boinger says:

    you could’nt bait a mousetrap! have a nana !


  9. Tom Boinger says:

    you censored me, you sure talk a good game but when it comes to stealing usernames, you are thieves. typical teacuppers, freedom , freedom, then steal another’s property. you better start deleting because i’m going to get a cyber lawyer. you pissed me off , beware!


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